Bank Credit Granting Doubled
Mr. Takayuki Shimada,newly appointed General Manager of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank (known as TM UFJ ), Toranomon Branch, Corporate No. 1 Dept. visited SIH accompanied by Mr.Tomoyuki Kurata , Deputy Manager of the above Dept. in Aug. 16th, 2017, and officially notified that based on the evaluation of the business of SIH in recent years, TM UFJ decided to double the credit granting for SIH on basis of the original one. It indicated that the bank had full confidence in the developing tendency of SIH, thus further strengthened the support for SIH. Mr. Meng, appreciated the trust and support of MT UFJ, and then introduced relevant issues about business development thoroughly as requested. Mr. Meng emphasized that SIH would be more conscious in accordance to the strategy of SICC and owners to further enhance the developing capacity, also committed to promoting the prosperity and stability of Sino-Japanese economic and trading cause.