
To Optimize Assets Composition, And to Increase Business Sustainably

The 3rd session of 5th board of directors of SIH was held in conference room of Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park in May 27th, 2017, being presided over by Mr. Daohong Zhou, Chairman of SIH, who requested that the company should increase the proportion of investment in the whole business to achieve the sustainable strategic object. The board of directors highly appreciated the achievement made by the management, then requested to further optimize the business composition, to strictly control any risk, to make breakthrough in the key aspects, finally, to create a better results. Mr. Yinfa Meng, President of SIH, as the representative of management, expressed that the company would strengthen the internal and external linkage and optimize the composition of investment, also promote the competitive power and work harder to obtain the more flexible, stronger and sustainable business, thus to ensure the smooth operation and make all efforts to realize the business objects and tasks.

Participating in the session were Mr. Jian Zhu, Vice-Chairman of SIH, Vice General Manager of SCIP, Mr. Guorong Zhang, Vice-Chairman of SIH, Vice President of SIIG, Mr. Xin Jin, Director of SIH, General Manager of INESA Display Materials Co., Ltd., Mr. Liang Cao, Director of SIH, Vice President of SOEC, Mr. Jianguo Sun, Director of SIH, Vice General Manager of SCIP, moreover, all supervisors and members of the management.