Vice-Chairman Guorong Zhang Visiting SIH
In the hot days of summer in Tokyo, Mr.Guorong Zhong, Vice-president of SIIG, one of owners of SIH, also the Vice-chairman of SIH, and his group visited, and then guided the operation of the company in Jun. 27th, 2018.
Mr. Zhang his group went to SIH immediately just after they arrived at Tokyo airport. First of all, Mr.Zhang congratulated the 25th anniversary of SIH, wishing that SIH would obtain the better achivement in the future. Meng was grateful for the permanent trust and support from the owners, therefore, he said that SIH would go all out to make the better performance to reward the owners.
Mr.Meng reported the business situation on behalf of the management team, especially focused on the business risk control. Mr.Zhang fully affirmed the performance of the company and required that SIH would make progress continuously, and strive to create the business mode, thus to find the new opportunities, to match the development strategy of the owners.
Mr. Zhang and his group visited and highly praised the Tokyo Shanghai International Gallery.